Personnel and Infrastructure Protection

Secure Your assets

Protect against fraud and theft

Defend yourself from liabilities

FBIS International Issues Management provides security-related advice and strategies to clients who are attempting to manage aberrant human behaviours. This includes investigations regarding theft, fraud, incidents of criminal and otherwise inappropriate behaviours, and, breaches of company policy.  Where appropriate, FBIS also provides and manages related services such as forensic computer analysis and document analysis.

In the life of any business or organisation there are periods of extreme stress that may endanger the very existence of the entity. FBIS’s unique behavioural based approach to developing solutions to minimise your risk during one of these periods is internationally recognised and acknowledged.

FBIS will assist you in planning prior to an event to reduce the risk, assist you through the event, or alternatively react immediately, anytime, anywhere if the unexpected occurs.

Issues include:

  • Corporate fraud and theft. 
  • Illegal and inappropriate behaviours.
  • Brand contamination.
  • Business continuity.
  • Change management strategies.
  • Contingency planning.
  • Crisis management coordination.
  • Employee sanction and dismissal.
  • Executive profiling.
  • Assisting with statutory compliance to warrants and orders.
  • Law enforcement, emergency services and justice liaison.
  • Media and public relations management.
  • Mitigation of liabilities.
  • Product contamination.
  • Tactical and strategic intelligence research and analysis.
  • Behavioural analysis which may include analysis of threatening or otherwise inappropriate communications.
  • Litigation support.
Issues Management


The assessment of the security-related risks (contamination, loss interference and destruction) confronting the assets (people, property, product and information) belonging to any company or business unit. 

These assessments may examine commercial premises and environments such as mine sites, wharves, warehouses and distribution centres, manufacturing facilities and corporate offices.

The risk assessments undertaken by FBIS comply with the methodologies prescribed within AS/NZS 4360 : 2004 Risk Management.

Corporations undertake security related assessments for a variety of reasons which may include:

  • Compliance to legislative requirements, in industries such as mining and maritime and those that use explosive or hazardous materials.
  • Compliance to existing security policy.
  • Effectiveness of existing technical and physical security measures.
  • Suggested enhancements to existing technical and physical security measures.
  • Opportunities for improving protection against competitor intelligence.
  • The prevention of asset loss, damage or interference, or other adverse incidents.
  • Strategies for business continuity.
Issues Management


All organisations need to be prepared to deal with those crisis situations that only occur infrequently, whether they are motivated malevolently from an external source or as a result of an internal circumstance. An FBIS Threat Assessment will assist management to recognise the areas where training programmes may be needed. Staff trained by FBIS will able to respond quickly and efficiently in the event of a crisis, using the correct procedures and drills required to deal with the situation.

FBIS provides training, after first reviewing the threats and risks to a client organisation, to help deal with situations that may develop in any of the following areas:

  • Bomb threats.
  • Disaster management – natural or man-made.
  • Product contamination.
  • Workplace violence.
  • Threatening or otherwise inappropriate communications.
  • Sexual misconduct.
Issues Management


FBIS investigators provide the expertise and resources to investigate corporate, white-collar and computer-based offences as well as physical theft, when law enforcement authorities are unable to provide satisfactory resources or where a degree of confidentiality is deemed necessary.

FBIS investigators all have advanced education and training, supported by high-level experience in law enforcement. They have carried out successful investigations in a variety of environments ranging from confidential executive offence investigations through to major equipment thefts in remote and hostile environments. They follow proven methodologies.

Key Benefits:

  • Non-intrusive investigations.
  • Unique blend of skills & experience.
  • Confidentiality.
  • International capabilities and experience.
  • Driven by satisfactory customer solutions.


Investigative Capabilities:

  • Theft & fraud at all levels of an organisation.
  • Threat assessment & mitigation.
  • Forensic examination of fire and explosive damage.
  • Accident reconstruction and investigation.
  • Sexual misconduct.
  • Corporate surveillance.
  • Suspicious incidents.
  • Personnel screening & probity checks.
  • Workplace violence.

Due Diligence and Probity
For clients involved in major investment, merger/acquisition, privatisation or major capital expenditure decisions, FBIS offers probity investigations of the people involved, as well as professional Due Diligence examination of the target entity. Our clients include individuals, companies, organisations, Local, State and Federal governments and regulatory authorities.

Traditional Due Diligence processes only examine business records. This ignores the personal probity, business relationships, directorships, investments, personal associations and relationships, of key personnel, leaving the undisclosed risk of unethical behaviour by key people or their associates.

FBIS can organise and conduct the Due Diligence process for an entity or be retained by an internal audit or compliance Committee for specialised investigative services.

Issues Management


FBIS has a full-time research practice. This service can be used for probity, due diligence inquiries and background screening for individuals, companies or other entities.

The services incorporate:

  • Financial interests.
  • Associations & affiliations.
  • Probity and personnel screening.
  • Travel briefings.
  • Personal background.
  • Company involvement.
  • Company history.
  • Incident analysis database & management.
  • Collection, collation and analysis of publicly available information including media reports.